Title: CSEdge Java Programming Internship Tasks
Subtitle: CSEdge Internship Program
Author: Team CSEdge
Level: Easy, Medium, Hard
Questions per Level: 4
Total Questions: 12
Last Modified Date: 04/06/2024
To get started with the projects, follow these steps:
git clone https://github.com/CSEdgeOfficial/CSEdge-Java-Programming-Internship
cd CSEdge-Java-Programming-Internship
mkdir YourFullName-with-level && cd YourFullName-with-level
Welcome to the Java Programming Internship with CSEdge! During this journey, you'll tackle various tasks aimed at expanding your knowledge and expertise in Java Programming. This document presents 12 tasks divided into three categories—Easy, Medium, and Hard.
Now let's dive into the tasks!
Design and implement a console-based chatbot using Java that can perform the following tasks:-
Design and implement a basic text editor application using Java
Java AWT Basics Calculator Formulate a rudimentary calculator program utilizing Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) widgets within the Java programming ecosystem. Primary Goals:
Java AWT Registration Manager Architect a Java program utilizing AWT components to capture user registration data, followed by displaying said details on demand and exporting them into a .txt file format. Primary Ambitions:
Library Resource Administrator (AWT):
ATM (Swing):
Online Quiz Application (AWT/Swing):
Tic-Tac-Toe Game with Swing GUI:
Online Banking System
E-commerce Website
Hospital Management System
Social Media Platform
Should you encounter issues during tasks within your named folder, don't hesitate to raise concerns in the repository's Issue Tab by opening an issue ticket. Our team will swiftly attend to your needs.
Yes, indeed! Look up authoritative references such as the official documentation and reliable tutorials on sites like YouTube, FreeCodeCamp, Udemy, or Coursera. Moreover, delve into stack overflow discussions addressing typical challenges developers confront.
While firm deadlines aren't imposed, consistent progression through tasks helps optimally absorb concepts and harness acquired skills effectively. By keeping pace, you ensure steady advancement over the internship duration.
By actively engaging in these tasks and arranging outcomes within your named folder, you fortify indispensable abilities pivotal to triumph in genuine software engineering scenarios. Have fun, and excel in your coding venture!
Submitted the application for the Java Programming Internship at CSEdge.
Commenced the 1-month remote Java Programming internship. Received orientation and introduction to the program.
Complete the Basics of GitHub by Microsoft Learn to enhance version control skills and collaboration abilities.
Started with the basics of Java programming language. Covered fundamental concepts and syntax.
Selected the [Chosen Level] level and began working on corresponding projects.
Made progress on the chosen level projects and encountered various challenges in implementation.
Completed and submitted the chosen level projects. Prepared for internship completion.
Successfully completed the 1-month remote Java Programming internship. Received a completion certificate and contributed to various projects.